Beamish Genuine Irish Stout
What is Beamish Breakthrough?
Beamish is like many underserved artists out there; appreciated by hardcore fans, but sometimes doesn’t get the recognition it deserves in order to reach its potential.
This is what Beamish have in common with creatives, acts and artists that have the skill, talent and determination – but just need a lucky break. They need a breakthrough.
The Beamish Breakthrough Programme is part of Heineken Ireland’s Corporate & Social Responsibility campaign but with more of an edge. It is a support programme to help emerging Irish creative culture shapers, bands, creatives and collectives.
The Beamish Breakthrough will support those chosen either financially, with consultancy or with product at gigs, events etc..
Recipients will be identified in line with brand positioning and bullseye target audience. If you feel you fit the bill, email info@heineken.ie